Ticker Signage

The following guidelines will help consumers and any purchasing departments to come up with the best LED ticker display


LED Ticker Hardware

The main focus should be on the detail. Listed below are the recommendations to creating a spec that will clearly outline a quality ticker sign.


    • Bezel Size- In any display, you would want the cabinet bezel to be as thin as possible. This will help customers focus on the LED message. The most recommended size is 5 inch.


    • LED Matrix- This is also another important item to consider. The more LEDs there are in the Matrix the better the overall resolution to the shoe graphic will be. For logos and graphics, it is recommended to use a 24 or 32 pixels in height.


    • Pixel Pitch- This refers to as the spacing between the LED bulbs. The tighter the pixel pitch the better the images will show at close viewing distances.


    • Maximum Character Size-It is calculated by multiplying the Pixel Pitch by the number of LEDs in height. For instance, a 24 pixel ticker with a 3 inch pixel pitch would produce a 7.2 inch maximum character height.


    • Maximum Brightness- For normal indoor lighting 1,000 nits should be used and 3000 nits for higher ambient areas. If the application is to be displayed in a storefront, atrium or an area with considerable ambient lighting, utmost care and attention should be observed for the displayed message not to be “washed out”.

Software Control

If there is no any appropriate platform behind your Ticker, there will be limitations on what you display. You first need to confirm the functionally of the ticker, and ensure that the provider selected is reliable. You should also make frequent improvements to prevent it from being stuck.


    • Cloud Based- Go for a web based system. This will help you avoid providing or even maintaining the computers and servers.


    • Mobile-The platform chosen should be designed to allow you to log in and manage the content on your ticker through a mobile phone or tablet.


    • User Access- The platforms shouldn’t restrict you to only having one person accessing it. Go for another alternative that supports various users within the organization. This will be easier for you to contribute and edit contents.


    • Scalability-For you to grow your network of tickers; ensure that the platform allows you to continue adding more units for easier management of all the tickers from one user interface.


The use of a ticker is very vital as it depends on the use of licensed content. You should be extra cautious of providers who insist on finding free sports scores and stock quotes from the internet. This is because sports teams and financial exchanges guard their information closely and will require you to obtain licensing of such information. Since you will be the one displaying the information, you may risk being sued for stolen data. The sticker platform should be able to support the following types of data


    • RSS Feeds-Entails the ability to locate any publically available RSS feed and posts it. It is popular for capturing specific news sources and feeds from a blog or


    • Images-Upload bmp files to show graphics and logos.


    • User Generated Messages- this is the option that allows you to easily select a font, size, color and finally type in a message.


    • Twitter-The use of standard Twitter search criteria to be able to create a stream of tweets.